Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Guys, a good infact great news.....More than 100 NSGS (National Security Guard) will be deployed in Delhi for 24x7 for anti terrorist and anti hi-jack operations......This decision is taken keeping in view the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack where more than 160 people were killed...........The work to build barracks is on full swing near Indira Gandhi Airport where these commandos and their officers will house......And even the office to keep their gazettes and weapon is also being made there......

During the Mumbai attack, a lot of crucial time was wasted as the NSG commandos were called from Manesar to the Delhi airport - a drive of 40 minutes. More valuable time was lost as the NSG team had to first load their weapons, gazettes and equipment into the truck from Manesar to Delhi, then offload it at the airport and again re-load it in an aircraft. Finally, it was off-loaded at the Mumbai airport. Again, the weapons, equipment and gazettes had to be put in public buses at the Mumbai airport before being finally taken to the terror site. ...

So, this is what our government is doing something good......Delhi is our national capital and with so much of population we need to take some security measures.......because, its not always that its a joint effort of govrnment and people.........sometimes, its government only who has to do something for its people.....For now, it may be Delhi, but this security is needed everywhere, in each part of the country.......i hope government understands this.......

Love and Regards



  1. itz gud dat delhi is being provided wid d NSGS..
    bt still d crime rate is at itz highest in delhi,., d crimes tuk place regularly in delhi at every place shud be stopped first.,, d small crimes give invitations to d bigger ones... so govt. shud take steps at dis side also instead of juz muvng at particular place..

    but our govt will awake when a crime will take place wid a celebrity or ny politician.,., so,hope 4 d best dat govt. shud get more serious bout dis matter n shud inc d security before ny more such incidents takes place.,.,

  2. security s wt the whole country needs....not only delhi or few corners of it.....
    otrwise v ll keep on facing these terrorist attacks..........

  3. After mumbai attacks there is high need of tight security in metropolitans specially in Delhi because its our capital and soft target for terrorists.....

  4. well, not only security the common man also need to be little alert......coz if we will be alert than only security will be keep our places secure.....
