Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Yesterday, there was strike in gurgaon which is a industrial hub....The strike was bythe workers of various automobile companies as one of their colleague died in an unwanted accident while working....
More than 60 companies operating in the area would be impacted by the protest call and claimed that as many as 1 lakh workers would be part of the stir. These include workers from scooter major Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India (HMSI), bike maker Hero Honda's Gurgaon plant, component makers Lumax, Sunbeam, Caparo Maruti, Delphi and Gabriel.

Alright guys, i agree that these kind of incidents calls for agitation but this is not the way to show your anger....Damaging public property, halting the traffic is not the way.....why are we distubing other people.......if we have suffered from something that doesnt mean others should also suffer....
Guys, when and how are we going to improve????Please, lets show that we are educated and we have different ways to show that we are not satisfied with the system....
Till when will we damage and destroy our own property?????And, dnt forget we repay all this in form of different taxes.......

Love and Regards



  1. Youth means power of country but youth always misuse their power.. U give good example akki but i guess u could gave a better example.. see in godhara kand in whiich ppl kills thousands ppl.. bt u know mostly young ppl were involved in that incident.21 year old kasab used his power in wrong act.He killed many pppl in mumbai blast.He is also young. Here i m only talking about youth..pragya is also young bt she is involved in malegaon blast case. Youth of country have a high responsibility on his shoulder. but despite of making country hopeless.

  2. Babes this is the difference b/w a literate nd a Educated ones...

  3. if educated and employed people have done this than what do we expect from illetrates and unemployed......
    noone should adopt these kind of ways to show their agitation......

  4. Actualyy today every one want earn a lot and they go this side which will effect whole country and even common man............if educted person done this what we expect from illiterate ...............
